
Weight Loss Calculator

Calculate weight loss for men & women with the help of calculaotor online and gave yourself a goal to reduce the weight.

Your Daily Calories

Lowest Daily Calories

How to use weight loss calculator?

You have to provide some details about your bodyweight, height, age, and degree of physical activity in order to utilise a weight loss calculator. You must also include the timeframe and your desired weight.

To use a weight-loss calculator, follow these steps:

What is weight loss calculator and its benefits?

With a weight loss calculator, you may estimate how much weight you can lose in a certain amount of time based on your exercise regimen, weight, height, age, and gender. It can give you an estimate of the number of calories you need eat each day to maintain or lose weight as well as the amount of exercise you need to get in order to reach your weight reduction goals.

A weight loss calculator has the following benefits:

Overall, an online weight loss calculator can be a useful tool for anyone looking to track weight, as it can help you to set a realistic goal, track your progress, plan your healthy diet and exercise routine, and set achievable decisions.

What is weight loss formula?

The number of calories that needs be burned in order to lose weight is the weight-loss formula. You may compute it using the following formula:

Calories burned minus calories consumed equals weight reduction (in pounds).

The following formula can be used to determine the number of calories burned:

BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) x Workout Level = Calories Burned

The amount of energy the body needs to sustain essential processes like breathing, circulation, and cell creation is known as the basal metabolic rate (BMR). Use this calculation to determine your BMR:

BMR (for men) is calculated as follows: 66 + 6.2 x weight in pounds + 12.7 x height in inches - (6.76 x age in years)

BMR for women is equal to 655 plus 4.35 times weight in pounds plus 4.7 times height in inches (4.7 x age in years)

Exercise level is a variable that considers the quantity and quality of physical exercise you do. Your exercise level would be 1.2, for instance, if you are sedentary (get little to no exercise). Your exercise level would be 1.375 if you were only minimally active (little exercise/sports 1-3 days/week).

Consumed Calories is the number of calories consume through your diet on daily basis.

Remember that burning calories alone won't help to lose weight. It's important to understand your total diet and lifestyle where you can make the difference to get desired results. A certified weight loss dietician or professional health consultant can assist you to set a diet for a better healthy weight.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How do i calculate my weight through age & lifestyle?

A. You can calculate the weight loss with the help of calculator where you have to fill the age,hright,lifestyle & gender.

Q. What is the best weight loss calculator for men & women?

A. Checkbytools is the only tool where you can measure the weight loss with accuracy.

Q. How to burn calories fast?

A. Stop taking the processed foods, oily foods, carbohydrates and start morning routine with 5000 steps to burn calories fast.