
Rice to Water Ratio Calculator

Choose the type of rice and amount of uncooked rice to get the accurate detail to cook rice perfectly.

Rice-to-Water Ratio

1 cup to

Amount of Water

Approx. Cooked Rice Yield

Approx. Simmer Time

What is rice water ratio?

A rice-to-water ratio calculator is a useful tool that assists in determining the precise amount of water required to cook a specific quantity of rice. It takes into consideration factors such as the type of rice, desired texture, and the number of servings intended. This calculator eliminates the need for manual calculations and ensures accurate measurements, resulting in perfectly cooked rice each time.

How Does a Rice-to-Water Ratio Calculator Work?

A rice-to-water ratio calculator operates based on established guidelines for various types of rice. These guidelines consider the recommended water-to-rice ratios and adjust them accordingly based on the quantity of rice and desired texture. Here's how a typical rice-to-water ratio calculator functions:

  1. Select the Rice Type: Choose the specific type of rice you are using from the available options, such as long grain white rice, brown rice, jasmine rice, or basmati rice.

  2. Specify the Quantity: Enter the desired amount of rice you wish to cook. This can be measured in cups, grams, or any other preferred unit of measurement specified by the calculator.

  3. Choose the Texture: Indicate your preference for the rice texture, whether you prefer it to be fluffy, sticky, or somewhere in between. Some calculators may offer additional options based on the selected rice type.

  4. Determine the Number of Servings: Enter the desired number of servings you intend to prepare. This information helps the calculator adjust the water-to-rice ratio accordingly.

  5. Calculate: Click on the calculate or generate button to obtain the precise water measurement required for your rice preparation.

  6. Follow the Recommendations: The calculator will provide you with the recommended water-to-rice ratio, usually expressed as a ratio or a specific measurement in cups or milliliters.

Advantages of Using a Rice-to-Water Ratio Calculator

What is Rice-to-Water Ratio?

The rice-to-water ratio refers to the precise measurement of water needed to cook a specific quantity of rice. It is crucial to follow the correct ratio to avoid undercooked or mushy rice. The ratio can vary depending on the type of rice being used, as different varieties have different cooking properties. Let's delve into the ideal ratios for various types of rice.

Brown Rice-to-Water Ratio

Brown rice is a healthier alternative to white rice because it retains its bran and germ layers. However, due to its higher fiber content, it requires more water and a longer cooking time. The ideal ratio for cooking brown rice is 2¼ cups of water per cup of rice. This additional water compensates for the longer cooking time and helps achieve fully cooked and tender brown rice.

Jasmine Rice-to-Water Ratio

Jasmine rice is known for its delicate aroma and slightly sticky texture. To achieve the perfect consistency, the recommended ratio for jasmine rice is 1¾ cups of water per cup of rice. This slightly lower water-to-rice ratio helps create the desired stickiness without making the rice overly moist.

White Rice-to-Water Ratio

White rice is the most commonly consumed rice variety worldwide and serves as a staple in many cuisines. To cook white rice to perfection, the ideal water-to-rice ratio is 1½ cups of water per cup of rice. This ratio results in fluffy and separate rice grains, providing perfectly cooked white rice.

Basmati Rice-to-Water Ratio

Basmati rice is a fragrant long grain rice commonly used in Indian and Middle Eastern cuisines. To cook basmati rice to perfection, the ideal water-to-rice ratio is 1½ cups of water per cup of rice. This ratio allows the rice to absorb enough water while maintaining its distinct aroma and fluffy texture.

Brown Basmati Rice-to-Water Ratio

Brown basmati rice is a healthier alternative to white basmati rice as it retains its bran layer. To cook brown basmati rice, the recommended ratio is 2¼ cups of water per cup of rice. This ratio ensures that the rice is fully cooked and tender while preserving the nutty flavor of brown rice.

Short Grain Brown Rice-to-Water Ratio

Short grain brown rice has a slightly sticky texture when cooked and is commonly used in sushi and risotto. The ideal water-to-rice ratio for short grain brown rice is 1¾ cups of water per cup of rice. This ratio helps create the desired stickiness and creaminess in dishes that require a stickier rice texture.


Q: What is the ideal rice-to-water ratio for cooking rice?

The ideal rice-to-water ratio for cooking rice is 1:2, which means using two cups of water for every cup of rice. However, this ratio may vary depending on the type of rice being used.

Q: How do I adjust the water-to-rice ratio to make stickier rice?

If you prefer stickier rice, you can increase the amount of water slightly. For example, for every cup of rice, you can use 2¼ cups of water instead of the standard 2 cups.

Q: Can I use the same ratio for all types of rice?

While the general rule of thumb is to use a 1:2 ratio of rice to water, different types of rice may require slight adjustments. For example, sticky rice varieties may require a slightly higher water-to-rice ratio.

Q: What if my rice turns out too dry?

If your rice turns out too dry, it means it has absorbed all the available water during the cooking process. To prevent this, you can increase the water-to-rice ratio slightly for the next batch.

Q: How can I make my rice less sticky?

To make rice less sticky, you can reduce the amount of water slightly. This will result in less moisture being absorbed by the rice grains, leading to a drier and less sticky texture.

Q: Can I use a rice cooker to cook rice?

Yes, rice cookers are a convenient and foolproof way to cook rice. Most rice cookers come with recommended water-to-rice ratios, making it easy to achieve perfectly cooked rice.