Enter or paste your Binary:
Binary code is a special language made up of just two numbers: 1 and 0. Computers use this code to store and send information. Every letter, number, or symbol you see on your screen is made from a combination of 1s and 0s.
For example:
Here’s how a Binary to Text Converter works step by step:
Input the Binary Code:
You enter a series of 1s and 0s into the converter. Each group of eight numbers is called a byte, and it represents one letter or symbol.
Translate the Binary:
The converter reads the binary code and matches each byte to a letter or symbol using something called the ASCII table.
Output the Text:
The tool combines all the letters and symbols and shows you the final text.
A Binary to Text Converter isn’t just for tech experts—it’s great for everyone, especially kids who love solving puzzles! Here’s why it’s useful:
Learn How Computers Work:
Understand how computers turn code into words, numbers, and symbols.
Decode Messages:
Create secret messages with friends and decode them using binary.
Fun for Coding Projects:
If you’re learning programming, binary converters help you see how text is stored in computers.
Send Secret Messages:
Write a message, convert it to binary, and share it with a friend. They can use the converter to decode it!
Explore Binary Basics:
Try converting simple words like "CAT" or "FUN" to binary and back to text.
Make Your Own Binary Art:
Use 1s and 0s to create shapes or designs, then decode them into letters or words.
Learning about binary code is like learning the secret language of computers. It helps kids:
Binary | ASCII Character |
00000000 | NULL |
00000001 | SOH (Start of Heading) |
00000010 | STX (Start of Text) |
00000011 | ETX (End of Text) |
00000100 | EOT (End of Transmission) |
00000101 | ENQ (Enquiry) |
00000110 | ACK (Acknowledge) |
00000111 | BEL (Bell) |
00001000 | BS (Backspace) |
00001001 | TAB (Horizontal Tab) |
00001010 | LF (Line Feed) |
00001011 | VT (Vertical Tab) |
00001100 | FF (Form Feed) |
00001101 | CR (Carriage Return) |
00001110 | SO (Shift Out) |
00001111 | SI (Shift In) |
00010000 | DLE (Data Link Escape) |
00010001 | DC1 (Device Control 1) |
00010010 | DC2 (Device Control 2) |
00010011 | DC3 (Device Control 3) |
00010100 | DC4 (Device Control 4) |
00010101 | NAK (Negative Acknowledge) |
00010110 | SYN (Synchronous Idle) |
00010111 | ETB (End of Block) |
00011000 | CAN (Cancel) |
00011001 | EM (End of Medium) |
00011010 | SUB (Substitute) |
00011011 | ESC (Escape) |
00011100 | FS (File Separator) |
00011101 | GS (Group Separator) |
00011110 | RS (Record Separator) |
00011111 | US (Unit Separator) |
00100000 | Space |
00100001 | ! (Exclamation Mark) |
00100010 | " (Quotation Mark) |
00100011 | # (Hash/Pound Sign) |
00100100 | $ (Dollar Sign) |
00100101 | % (Percent Sign) |
00100110 | & (Ampersand) |
00100111 | ' (Apostrophe) |
00101000 | ( (Left Parenthesis) |
00101001 | ) (Right Parenthesis) |
00101010 | * (Asterisk) |
00101011 | + (Plus Sign) |
00101100 | , (Comma) |
00101101 | - (Hyphen/Minus) |
00101110 | . (Period) |
00101111 | / (Slash) |
00110000 | 0 (Zero) |
00110001 | 1 (One) |
00110010 | 2 (Two) |
00110011 | 3 (Three) |
00110100 | 4 (Four) |
00110101 | 5 (Five) |
00110110 | 6 (Six) |
00110111 | 7 (Seven) |
00111000 | 8 (Eight) |
00111001 | 9 (Nine) |
00111010 | : (Colon) |
00111011 | ; (Semicolon) |
00111100 | < (Less Than) |
00111101 | = (Equals) |
00111110 | > (Greater Than) |
00111111 | ? (Question Mark) |
01000000 | @ (At Symbol) |
01000001 | A |
01000010 | B |
01000011 | C |
01000100 | D |
01000101 | E |
01000110 | F |
01000111 | G |
01001000 | H |
01001001 | I |
01001010 | J |
01001011 | K |
01001100 | L |
01001101 | M |
01001110 | N |
01001111 | O |
01010000 | P |
01010001 | Q |
01010010 | R |
01010011 | S |
01010100 | T |
01010101 | U |
01010110 | V |
01010111 | W |
01011000 | X |
01011001 | Y |
01011010 | Z |
01011011 | [ (Left Square Bracket) |
01011100 | \ (Backslash) |
01011101 | ] (Right Square Bracket) |
01011110 | ^ (Caret) |
01011111 | _ (Underscore) |
01100000 | ` (Grave Accent) |
01100001 | a |
01100010 | b |
01100011 | c |
01100100 | d |
01100101 | e |
01100110 | f |
01100111 | g |
01101000 | h |
01101001 | i |
01101010 | j |
01101011 | k |
01101100 | l |
01101101 | m |
01101110 | n |
01101111 | o |
01110000 | p |
01110001 | q |
01110010 | r |
01110011 | s |
01110100 | t |
01110101 | u |
01110110 | v |
01110111 | w |
01111000 | x |
01111001 | y |
01111010 | z |
01111011 | { (Left Brace) |
01111100 | |
01111101 | } (Right Brace) |
01111110 | ~ (Tilde) |
01111111 | DEL (Delete) |
This table provides the binary representation of each ASCII character. Each binary value is 8 bits long, and corresponds to a specific character or control symbol in the ASCII standard.
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